ARQ simulation with depends of BER value using OMNET++

This article is for my fellows class mate.

1. I think you all have no problem with OMNET++ installation – just running the installer if you are using Windows, for Mac OS X please refer my previous article.

2. Then download the Inet Framework, if you are using Mac OS X please refer previous post. If you are using windows please make sure you had installed winpcap driver first. Do download it at and download the installer.

3. Extract the Inet Framework on your omnet++ workspace.

4. Go to the Inet parent directory, then please READ the INSTALL file for further understanding.

5. Now import or compile your Inet with omnet++. For Mac OS X please refer my previous post. For windows you can do it using command prompt or using the IDE.

6. For IDE just follow the INSTALL file instruction. As follows

i. Open the OMNeT++ IDE and choose the workspace where you have extracted the inet directory. The extracted directory must be a subdirectory of the workspace dir.

ii. Import the project using: File | Import | General | Existing projects into Workspace.Then select the workspace dir as the root directory, and be sure NOT to check the “Copy projects into workspace” box. Click Finish.

6. The inet folder should appear on you Project Explorer

7. Expand the explorer tree : Inet – examples – inet – ber

8. Click on omnet.ini – in the form wizard click on Event Log – Thick Enable eventlog recording – this is for record all of your results into results folder. The graph will automatic generated with the recorded data.

9. Click the source of omnet.ini and edit the BER value as follow:

The default value is zero “0”

# BER (bit error rate)

**.n = ${ber=0, 1e-7, 2e-7 …and so on…

so change the ber=0 to what do you want, example 0.1

**.n = ${ber=0.1 …. then save as the .ini file with others name example omnet-kosong-point-satu.ini

so now we know that this config file is for BER value 0.1

10. Next is create others config file with the other value 0.01 , 0.001 and 0.0001.

11. To run the simulation, select respective config file and click the green PLAY button. Wait for a while and then.. tadaa… now you should have the animation and click RUN (pastu ada gerak2) 🙂

12. After finish the simulation, close down the simulation window and go to the results folder and click on your result log file and you will get the graph 🙂

13. What to do now ? Hope you guys can deeply study the graph all about and then share what you get in our next class ..
